We had a wonderful weekend to follow a busy week... for both of us! Scott was buried in school and work, and I was buried in kids, snacks, and toys while I watched Andrew, Ben, and Sarajane. I spent Thursday night up at Brighton visiting my girls at Beehive Camp. It was so fun to see my old girls and my new girls, plus old friends from the stake, friends from work, and friends from my old neighborhood. It was a reunion night! I got to see Camille and Joe and their cute baby boy. I can't wait until our little boy is here so we can have some play dates.
On Friday, Scott and I were going to go to a movie (for the first time in a year!), but we decided we'd go swim in the pool instead and spend the night trying to catch up on Harry Potter so we can join the world's obsession. I'm not interested in becoming obsessed... but I had only seen the first two movies, so I'd like to see what all the fuss is about. We watched HP number 4... so it might take us a year to get through the others, but someday we'll see them all.
On Saturday, Scotty and I were able to get a lot done in the morning that has been on our list of "shtuff" and then we spent the afternoon and evening up at a cabin in Kamas right along the Provo River. It was absolutely GORGEOUS up there, and we had a good time getting to know some couples from our ward. The Burtons were so nice to invite us all and feed us a delicious dinner! We saw a moose right along our walking path! We were pretty close. I'm always surprised at how huge these suckers are. This guy was a young buck... pretty intimidating.
We had dinner with my family on Sunday, which was nice since we probably haven't done that in over a month. It was nice to see everyone and just relax. I think everyone's kind of travelled out up at my mom's house. I'm feeling pretty tired, but great considering I'm 8 months pregnant. I get pretty hot, but I'm grateful that we've had a late-start summer so it hasn't been unbearably hot the entire time. I'm getting contractions now and then. Usually only a few a day, but I had 7 on Saturday, and that was a sign to me that I need to let myself take it easy a bit. We have a lot to do before now and D Day, but I definitely need to take time during the day to rest. Little man is doing gymnastics constantly. It's so fun! Slightly uncomfortable... but so fun. It makes me laugh to thing about what on earth he's doing in there!