Last week I walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed to see Scott dabbing my little plant with a piece of toilet paper. Was the plant sad? Was Scott trying to dry its tears? Scott usually has a very well-thought-out agenda behind every one of his actions, so I asked him what he was doing, eager to hear his answer. "I'm cross pollinating," he told me. It was Scott's belief that since we have no bees in our home that he could act as the bee and carry pollen from one flower to the other. It's a good thing one of us thinks of these things.
A couple nights ago we were watching a movie in bed. Scott was eating one of those frozen sorbet treats that you get from Costco - the kind that comes in a hollowed out orange peel, or coconut shell, or pineapple rind. He told me he was carving something very special for me. "Is it a throne for me because I am the queen?" I asked. He laughed and told me, "Yes it is a throne," as he revealed to me his artistic creation pictured below.
I don't know why or at what point during his dessert he decided it reminded him of a toilet, but he was really excited when he showed me how the toilet lid could go up and down. Very well-thought-out. And this next little announcement is me bragging about my husband's secret and blossoming talent, just as mothers brag about their kids' abilities to roll over or climb the stepladder in the kitchen. My husband can do this with his eyes:
Which is a special skill I was unaware that he possessed for the nearly two years we've been together. We were exchanging awkward glances across the table today and this one kind of threw me for a loop. "Everyone can do it," he says. But Scott thought he was going cross-eyed when he really was doing it with only one of his eyes. I know that we will find someway to put this talent to good use. I have a blast with Scott, and I'm so glad I get to be with him all the time. What a fantastic gift, to be able to spend eternity with my best friend! I think I'll go ahead and catch up on the other parts of this weekend in another post or two. Sometimes such a huge post can look pretty daunting. I admit that I skip most of those when I'm reading your blogs. I expect you'd do the same to me! Somehow when I put them into smaller post sizes they seem less intimidating.
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