Sunday, October 26, 2014

Um... Labor Day?

So, we have been so busy the last few months, and I have been awful of keeping track of it all! Before I catch us up, I wanted to be sure to post some pictures of our camping trip over Labor Day a couple months ago. We had so much fun camping as a family. We were shocked at how well the kids did. They both slept through the night all three nights, all in one tent together, and with thunderstorms! They were sweet and happy, and we had so much fun. I love this little family of mine. I am so grateful every day for the happy, simple life that we have. It's amazing. Everything we went through having Peter and adopting Brooklyn has brought us such a clear understanding of what really matters in life. It has helped us simplify and focus on our wonderful family. We are as happy as we've ever been, and we realize that it takes A LOT less to make us happy that we used to think. 

We spent our time at three different spots all along Lake Superior. It was so beautiful and pleasant! 

(Brooklyn was very popular with our camping neighbors!)

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