Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time (T.S. Eliot)."

I thought walking for graduation this April was going to be anticlimactic because I kind of slinked out of BYU a year ago and haven't been back since. But, despite how crazy and odd the whole graduation ceremony tradition is, I was hit with a spaz of excitement the second I ran to my seat just minutes before the ceremony began. I loved listening to my professors and the other speakers in the Humanities field. It made me feel so anxious to go back to school, not really excited to leave it! I think it's time to get ready for grad school! I was so grateful that Scott and my mom were able to come. It was so fun to have a day that was just for me, and I felt so special. I am so grateful that the Lord told me in no uncertain terms to go to BYU. I can trace the greatest pieces of who I am and what in my life makes me happy and proud to my decision to go to the Y (I can't believe I say this! And most people wouldn't believe me after hearing this that I really am a U fan!). Through BYU, I met some of the greatest friends that will be in my life forever. We helped each other through everything and played our way through every adventure. I saw a little bit of the world as I studied in other countries. I became best friends with my cousin Kyle because we were both at BYU. I became a riverguide and discovered a whole new collection of mountains and trails! I prepared my mind for a life of learning. I met the man of my dreams (which isn't even cheesy, because it's actually true). I'm so grateful for my parents who made it all possible!

“It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinions; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


This might seem kind of weird to do... but I wanted to put up a couple pictures of my roommate and one of my closest and most loving friends. I got a surprise phone call from her last night. With the busyness of her making the move to CA and me getting situated (and married!), Lar and I haven't seen each other since she came to our temple ceremony in January!

Laura and I lived across from each other in the wee dorm days of freshman year. Then we both went on study abroads for a semester. I remember trying to figure out our housing situation for the upcoming semester while I was in London and Laura was in New Zealand (painting.. she's an art major and a wonderful painter!).

Laura insisted on moving into a specific apartment complex, that she felt very strongly about it. We did, and I did so with the surety in my mind that she would be engaged before the semester was up. And she was!
I love Josh, and I'm so happy things worked out exactly how Laura deserves! I remember when Scott met Josh and Laura the first time, we talked the whole drive from Provo to SLC about how much respect Scott already had for them, and I talked about how they had been amazing friends to me, always there when I needed them. I remember spending evenings at their apartment because I needed to be with my best friend. Josh was always supportive and gave me excellent advice, always building me up. They probably would have loved to have shaken the third wheel on some of those nights! Laura and Josh are wonderful examples to me of the kind of person I want to be and the kind of relationship you can cultivate when you include the Spirit in your life. Laura is always several steps ahead of me! Which is nice... I always have someone who has been there, who can answer all my questions! They are now parents of Brynlee, who is about four months old. They're living in Huntington, CA. I think that sounds like such a fun life, to start your family on a new adventure, near the beach! We'll have to pay them a visit!


Two weekends ago we went down for a quick trip to St. George. I'm so glad mom and dad have invested in a home down there because I love having somewhere nice to stay when we want to take a trip. It's nice because we can cut back on the planning. Thank you, mom and dad, for letting us stay there!

It was fun to be able to take Scott up Snow Canyon. We rode our bikes, watched an awesome multi-pitch climb (and asked the climbers how they did it), and played in the lava caves. It was so nice to get away! We even found time to skate board and bust out the dusty rollerblades (literally... Scott had to clean out a spider egg sack from my rollerblade). Sorry. Was that gross?

I hate that pictures from the car never work out very well. But we had the most beautiful drive! We didn't take the usual I-15 Route. We stopped in Circleville so Scott could visit the Daltons and show me around the ranch that was his home the summer after high school. How cool would it be to have a ranch someday! I loved seeing a small part of Scott's life. Now we need to go to Morocco and Victor!


I was going through my pictures, and I found this little random pictures of the boys. Ben kept crawling underneath his highchair at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and Andrew joined in for a little attention. I love these boys so much!!! Scotty became a husband, a brother-in-law, a son-in-law, and an uncle the day we got married. There's nothing better in life than nephews!!!!


I am so behind on our blog! I didn't really think it mattered, but my mother and mother in law have both commented on my being A-wall in the blog world. So I'm going to take some time to update a bit.

So we DID end up going to Moab. That's the first update here. Man, that feels like such a long time ago! There's been a couple trips in between. We have Emily to thank for that one. We had been wanting to head to Moab for a long time, so when Em called looking for a ride down to Moab, we decided to make the trip!

It was fun to make a trip with two of my very best friends! I'm so spoiled! we met up with Em's boyfriend and another friend from Colorado State, and had a fun time exploring Arches and camping in the La Sals. I was so excited to show Scotty and Em (and our new Colorado State friends... and Brenna and Stucki, fellow river guides)my favorite arch in Moab! Tower Arch!

It was such a fun and relaxing trip. I loved being back in Moab, a second home. After Em left for Colorado, Scotty and I met up with some BYU friends for a little climbing before leaving town (I'm still waiting for pictures!). We hit the Peace Tree, Milts, drove up River Road, and stopped by for a visit to Worldwide. I loved introducing Scott to my friends at Worldwide who thought I was on a mission by now!