Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I am so behind on our blog! I didn't really think it mattered, but my mother and mother in law have both commented on my being A-wall in the blog world. So I'm going to take some time to update a bit.

So we DID end up going to Moab. That's the first update here. Man, that feels like such a long time ago! There's been a couple trips in between. We have Emily to thank for that one. We had been wanting to head to Moab for a long time, so when Em called looking for a ride down to Moab, we decided to make the trip!

It was fun to make a trip with two of my very best friends! I'm so spoiled! we met up with Em's boyfriend and another friend from Colorado State, and had a fun time exploring Arches and camping in the La Sals. I was so excited to show Scotty and Em (and our new Colorado State friends... and Brenna and Stucki, fellow river guides)my favorite arch in Moab! Tower Arch!

It was such a fun and relaxing trip. I loved being back in Moab, a second home. After Em left for Colorado, Scotty and I met up with some BYU friends for a little climbing before leaving town (I'm still waiting for pictures!). We hit the Peace Tree, Milts, drove up River Road, and stopped by for a visit to Worldwide. I loved introducing Scott to my friends at Worldwide who thought I was on a mission by now!

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