Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Favorites From Our Weekend

A Few Things We Loved This Weekend: 

Going for Refreshing Spring Walks
Decorating for Easter
Baseball Caps
Unbeatable, Beautiful Blue Eyes

Giant Stuffed Polar Bear
A Disney Play Room
A Blue Ralph Lauren Onsie For Church
 President Wetzel
Delicious Steak and Family Dinner
A Cute Small Mouth

Frogs on Our Feet
A New Big Play Space in the Living Room
Eating Everything in Sight
"Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya"
Good Morning Songs
Awesome Hair Days

Mellow Evenings at Home
Rest and Recover
Sarajane's Hand-Me-Down Jammies
Playing Peek-a-Boo Everywhere and All the Time
Sitting on Daddy's Shoulders
Building Forts
Making up Games

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Peter's New Game

Peter is so much fun! We cannot get enough of this little guy. He is so happy and so funny. He keeps us laughing all the time. Sometimes he is so happy, it's like his little body just can't take it, and he just wiggles with excitement.  Peter and I are having a mellow kind of day today. Resting, taking it easy, eating m&m's, reading adoption blogs (doing our research), redesigning our adoption blog (go check it out!), folding laundry, and going for walks around the block. I have to say, life is pretty good when you get to spend the day with someone as cool as Peter. I love to play with him.

Usually I'm the one initiating the games. Our current favorites: peek-a-boo with the mirror and behind the closet door, building a fort and the playing peek-a-boo on the different sides of the fort, dancing, practicing our army crawl, and learning how to roll a ball back and forth.

But the best thing happened today, Peter initiated a game himself! I loved it! I was letting him stand on my lap while watching a little show, and he would keep looking back at me and smiling. He'd turn his head to the right and smile... then the left and smile... then the right again. I smiled back at him each time, but it took me a little while to realize that he was playing a game with me! Once I realized, I started to get a little more interactive, and I'd make a little noise or try to kiss the back of his neck (where he is SO ticklish). He started laughing so hard at this little game we created. I loved it! Oh... these are just the best moments in life! We couldn't be happier. This little boy is amazing. I'm so lucky to have both these good-looking boys in my life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eric Carl Quilt!

We absolutely LOVE the beautiful Eric Carl quilt Aunt Paige sent us! I couldn't believe it! Eric Carl is one of my very favorites! Peter loves the bright colors, and it looks wonderful with the Eric Carl prints we have hanging in his room. We are so grateful for the wonderful gift! A lot of work!!! Thank you Paige!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Almost Complete Cousins Photo

Today we got to celebrate Lizzie's Birthday! It was so fun to get together with the cousins. This is the best we've done in years at a cousins picture... and it was a little impromptu. We're missing Doug, John, Sam, and Espen... all the older boys. But we have four second-cousins (is that what we call them?) to sort of make up for it. We love our family and every chance we have to get together. Everyone is so sweet to Peter. He is not lacking in love! I've never seen a little boy so cherished, and I'm so grateful for it. Our family was there for us every step of the way while we struggled through our hospital experience. I remember my uncle Bob by my bedside during his work lunch breaks. Not everyone is blessed with such a supportive and loving family. We are, and we are so grateful.

On a separate note... how is it that Kirsten and I (the oldest cousins) happen to be the shortest ones??

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma Lynne!

Peter wanted to wish his Grandma Lynne a happy birthday! It's not technically her birthday until tomorrow (she is a St. Patrick's Day baby), but we don't usually get a chance to blog on busy Saturdays. I love this picture of Peter with his Grandma on one of the earliest days. It's so strange to see pictures like this one and remember him when he was that little! I can't even believe he's now sitting on his own, army crawling a little bit, eating table food, and wearing baseball caps! He's getting to be such a little boy! I love the look on Lynne's face. Peter is pretty content in her arms. Happy Birthday Grandma Lynne! (Peter sent you a present, it should be there tomorrow... but let us know if it's not!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A New Blog Up Top

We are in love with parenthood. How could we not be? This boy just smiles, jabbers, and laughs all day! We feel so fortunate to be able to experience such a wonderful gift. Being the parents to this amazing little boy brings us more fulfillment and happiness than anything we have previously experienced! We are so grateful!

By the way, you might notice the tabs up at the top of the page. See the one that says "Our Adoption Blog?" Go ahead and take a look. Nothing fancy, but just some information about our little family. We'd appreciate any support we can get in spreading the word. We know that the rest of our family will come to us in the right way at the right time. The Lord has a plan, and we are so excited to see how we all come together!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Front Porch

We are LOVING the warm days! Such an unusual season! Yesterday was Peter's 6 month birthday! I can't believe he's getting so big! Grandma Teri and Grandpa Dave came by to bring him a special Peter Rabbit book and toy for his birthday. We love Peter Rabbit at this house! We love ANYTHING named Peter. Grandpa Dave took some pictures of our little family at the park up the street and at our house. We talked about how we're going to fix up our yard and start a garden. I can't wait until this warm weather is here to stay! Peter loved playing outside, and I can tell we're going to have such a fun spring/summer with this guy. We're going to swim in Grandma's pool, take fun walks in the neighborhood, play at the park, go to the zoo, and take some bike rides! Here we are on our front porch!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Weekend at the Cabin

On Sunday we returned from a fun little weekend at the cabin. It is always so nice to go up there, have some down time, relax, be with family, and get out in the mountains. Scott, Dad, Johnny, and Alyssa did some fun snowmobiling. Peter, Mom, and I mostly hung out at the cabin, reading and playing... taking it easy. But we did snowmobile to get to the cabin, so Peter and I got to go for a little ride! We were sad that Kirsten, Nick, and their kids were affected by the plague right before the weekend started! It was a lot quieter than usual... too quiet! We miss those kids! We love spending time at the cabin. Thanks Mom and Dad for the fun weekend!