Peter is so much fun! We cannot get enough of this little guy. He is so happy and so funny. He keeps us laughing all the time. Sometimes he is so happy, it's like his little body just can't take it, and he just wiggles with excitement. Peter and I are having a mellow kind of day today. Resting, taking it easy, eating m&m's, reading adoption blogs (doing our research), redesigning our adoption blog (go check it out!), folding laundry, and going for walks around the block. I have to say, life is pretty good when you get to spend the day with someone as cool as Peter. I love to play with him.
Usually I'm the one initiating the games. Our current favorites: peek-a-boo with the mirror and behind the closet door, building a fort and the playing peek-a-boo on the different sides of the fort, dancing, practicing our army crawl, and learning how to roll a ball back and forth.
But the best thing happened today, Peter initiated a game himself! I loved it! I was letting him stand on my lap while watching a little show, and he would keep looking back at me and smiling. He'd turn his head to the right and smile... then the left and smile... then the right again. I smiled back at him each time, but it took me a little while to realize that he was playing a game with me! Once I realized, I started to get a little more interactive, and I'd make a little noise or try to kiss the back of his neck (where he is SO ticklish). He started laughing so hard at this little game we created. I loved it! Oh... these are just the best moments in life! We couldn't be happier. This little boy is amazing. I'm so lucky to have both these good-looking boys in my life.