Friday, November 19, 2010

Characters Daily

"People have always seemed funny and strange to me, and touching in unexpected ways. I can't shake off a sort of mist of irony that hangs over whatever I see. Probably that's what I'm trying to put across when I write; I may believe that I'm the one person who holds this view of things. And I'm always hurt when a reader says that I choose only bizarre or eccentric people to write about. It's not a matter of choice; it just seems to me that even the most ordinary person, in real life, will turn out to have something unusual at his center. I like to think that I might meet up with one of my past characters at the very next street corner."

-Anne Tyler

The Balloon lady in Vancouver. The French woman who comes daily into the store.
The man from Laos with homemade bike by the library. My brother Doug. I love encountering people every day who are the characters of my stories.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE it that we have the same quote on our blog ha ha. <3
