Friday, February 18, 2011

Gonna Make This Garden Grow...

Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground.

Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
'Til the rain comes tumbling down

Pulling weeds and pickin' stones
Man is made from dreams and bones
Feel the need to grow my own
'Cause the time is close at hand

"Inch By Inch" has been my favorite song since I first heard it as a twelve-year-old. I first heard it at the ranch. It will most definitely be my bedtime song for a future baby. For me, it's not just a song about a garden. It's a song about creativity. It's about creating ourselves from scratch. It's about making choices in our lives and then seeing our choices create something bigger. It's about being authentic, working with our hands, and creating something we're proud of... even creating and pruning ourselves. I had no idea it was also a children's book. Do I have any excuses to ask Scott to buy me this book? When is the next holiday?

I know we just had a holiday. It was Valentine's Day, and we had a wonderful night! Scott and I both worked on V Day and came home to each other after long days. I was off a half-hour before Scotty was. I figured that half hour would allow me plenty of time to drive home, clean the house, plan a dinner, run to the store, prepare that dinner, and set the table all ready to go by the time Scott came home. Of course that was ridiculous, and I had only made it home and through half the dishes by the time Scotty called to say he was heading home. Scott, being his wonderful self, took half my load off my hands. He had me text him a list, and he grocery shopped AND brought home dinner. He even made me a lovely movie all about us and how much he loves me. I love when Scott makes me movies! I love that he expresses himself through making videos. I love having them as a record of our relationship. I'd put it on the blog so you could all see how great he is, but I'm keeping it special for me!

We're continuing our celebration by going KITE SKIING tomorrow! Uh huh... I hope I don't blow away!

So I'm a pretty lucky girl with a pretty awesome husband and a pretty fabulous life. I guess I don't need to be making wish lists with children's books on them.


  1. Lindsey! I just went through your last two posts and loved them! You are so wise. I want to hear the melody to that adorable song sometime.
    You definitely have an amazing husband. I'm so glad that you are happy.

    let's play phone tag sometime soon.

    love, becky

  2. I totally just stalked out your blog. Feeling very stalkerish and very pleased! So fun! We're bloggers too...except I've been really horrible's a phase thing perhaps.

