Friday, November 11, 2011

First Days (for me)

I wasn't able to be with my baby for the first 11 days of his life... so while these weren't his first days, they were MY first days WITH HIM.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from those first few days/weeks.


  1. Lindsay these are beautiful! It is so wonderful to see these first special moments with your little one. I know my first moments with Maddie weren't what I had planned... (She was wisked away so quickly after the c-section) But those first moments were still so special as I can see your first moments days later were equally (if not MORE) special. Thanks for sharing such a sweet and intimate moment with us. I am so happy that you are doing well. Your attitude is inspiring. I'd love to get our babies together sometime. :)

  2. So happy to see these too. He is so darling.
