Wednesday, May 25, 2011

As I Started Thinking About Trips...

...I remembered that we went to Mexico in March! And I never posted pictures! So here's a breeze through that trip so I can post about our last one! We're going backwards here. These sunset pictures are from our sunset sail boat ride on our very last night. I loved it... well most of it. I got sea sick part way through and had to try to lay down. Scott and I had fun carrying on a very interesting conversation with our boat captain, though. I loved the chance to speak spanish regularly. I love when my thoughts come in Spanish before they come in English.

It'll be nice to get these braces off someday. I'm realizing now how they kind of take over my face in pictures.

The boys went fishing one morning (the morning after the tsunami!) while Jen and I slept in and avoided the rocky boat ride. It would have been a little rough on our pregnant bellies. Jen is one month ahead of us in her pregnancy. They are having a little girl.

This was one of the greatest fascinations of the whole trip. How'd you like to live on that boat for a while? How cool would it be to own that? There's a helicopter on board! Scott googled this yacht when we got home and was devising a way to become the owner's best friend.

We had to be creative and find ways to entertain ourselves on the tsunami day because we couldn't go in the water. We visited the new lots in Cabo. The homes were gorgeous and the view was amazing.

On the Tsunami day we also went to a glass-blowing factory. The workers made this cerveza-drinking turtle in about 2 minutes right in front of our eyes!

Snorkeling adventures. This was weird for me to get used to. There's just nothing natural about breathing underwater. It was really throwing me off.

Day One in Cabo... can you tell? We're so so white and my hair is straight! We never got that much sun anyway. We were really diligent sunscreeners after some recent family skin cancer scares. But it was nice to be in the sun, even if we didn't come home wearing the sun.

This one should be blown-up and framed in our baby's room.

There's the hyper-drive record of our trip! We had a blast and were so grateful for a fun, sunny getaway with friends.

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