Sunday, March 17, 2013

H Cut

Peter got a haircut! It' wasn't his first, but it was the hardest one for me to accept! I just love his shaggy, blonde hair. So I took him to Cookie Cutters, the description of which cracked me up! Every kid sits in a car/truck/space ship and has an individual television to watch any show of their choosing? WHAT?! Peter did great. He was definitely a little skeptical at first, but eventually had a lot of fun. He especially loved his balloon and played with it for the next day. 

He played hide-and-seek with his balloon and carried it with him from room to room. I love how his hair cut turned out. I was a wimp and probably could have asked the hair-cutter to take it a little shorter, but it's still nice and long, so I'm a happy mama!

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