Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm Allergic. I think.

There's just no other explanation. I'm allergic to that dang shot. I'm not getting it again.

Same symptoms... dry asthmatic cough. Tight, sore lungs. Swollen, sore throat. It's only been a couple hours since I got the shot.

Can you be allergic to the flu shot. I need to consult one of those online doctor diagnostic sites.

This is what I look like when plagued by the nasty flu, incurred by this malicious shot... The symptoms hit fast, and before you know it, you've got SPOTS. ALL. OVER.

The plus side of this flu shot experience: Rachel and I were getting worried at work that our left arms were shutting down because the flu shot seemed to be numbing our entire left limbs. So we decided to get our arms active and get the shot running through us we'd have a left-handed arm wrestle. I have to say... I'm pretty proud of my win!

1 comment:

  1. YES you can be! I am SUPER allergic to the flu shot. I can't get them. (Which is kind of nice because I am scared of needles.) The last time they gave me one I was 10 years old and luckily I was already in the hospital because dramatic steps were taken. PS- I sent you an email a while ago but I never know which email you use. Respond!
