First of all, who invented these?
Whoever it is, that person is making a killing on the most obnoxious and inexpensive to produce fads I've seen since POGS. I mean... that was a winner of an idea as well. Some genius found a way to make a killing by selling cardboard circles.
I haven't had a single day go by where silly bands haven't been mentioned in one context or another. People call into the store asking, "Do you have glow-in-the-dark silly bands? What about the ones shaped like Justin Bieber's head?" Really? There's Justin Bieber silly bands?
By the way, what is that yellow one on the left supposed to be?
Anyway... Last week was a crazy week. Somewhere amid the craziness, my mom, Kirsten, and I took the little people to Gardiner Village to see the Witches Town. While we were there, Grandma bought Andrew his first pack of silly bands. HALLOWEEN silly bands!
The social significance of silly bands: "Meg, if you don't bring limes to school you're a nothing. You might as well be dead!"
So today Kirsten called me, "Lindsey, Andrew is part of a silly bands club."
Andrew told Kirsten that he now qualified for the club. They get together at recess and auction/trade their silly bands with each other. All kindergarten boys. He was so excited about it; "Mom, today's my first day!"
Let the kindergarten social politics begin...
He leaves for school with 10 Halloween silly bands on his wrist. He comes home with 4 non-Halloween silly bands. Huh.
Kirsten: "Andrew, where did all your silly bands go?"
Andrew: "I traded them!"
Kirsten: "But you left the house with 10, so you should come home with 10."
Andrew: "Well someone gave me 1 silly band, and I gave him 2."
Kirsten: "Well that's not how we trade, Andrew. It's important to share, but I don't want anyone taking advantage of you."
Andrew: "Don't worry Mom. We all have the same number of silly bands. If I have 6, and my friend has 4, I give him one of mine so we both have 5. Everyone in the club has the same amount."
Socialism in Kindergarten. Somehow they've intuitively managed to figure out our burgeoning political system.
That fact aside, today was a good day. I can honestly say that the only down point was misspelling the word occasion on a Thanksgiving greeting card to my brother. When that's the most to complain about, I'd say it's a pretty good day.
Oh, and if I don't post this tonight, I'll miss my window of opportunity. Eh hem....
Insert musical theme from My Fair Lady (sung by Alfred P. Doolittle):
"I'm getting braces in the morning.... ding dong my metal mouth will shine!!" So how old do we think I'll look? People already guess I'm in high school. This new orthodontic development isn't going to bump me back in time clear to middle school, will it? I've worked hard to finally be mistaken as a fifteen-year old.
the yellow one is a seal...haha