Saturday, April 30, 2011

Help with Girls Camp!!!!

Alright... I've been waiting and waiting for a genius theme for girls camp to just hit me over the side of the head. I'm planning girls camp for the stake this year, and it's a bigger job than I realized!! I'm doing fine on the organizing/logistics part... I just can't seem to find the right theme. I have a couple ideas in mind, but nothing that's sticking out to me. Anyone have any ideas? What are your girls camp themes this year? Or what are some fun ones you've been part of in the past? We have a pretty small group, and we'll be up at Heber Valley. Let me know if you have a stroke of genius. I'll take all the suggestions I can get!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Catching Up!

Today is Thursday. I'm having a hard time understanding that tomorrow is Friday and that an entire weeks has zoomed right by.

Last weekend was a great one. Scott and I both (miraculously) had work off on Friday. So we decided we needed to go skiing. It was a gorgeous, incredible day at Snowbird, and Scott and I had SO MUCH FUN. It was a little hard for me to accept that it would be my last ski of the season (especially since I'm 22 weeks pregnant... whoops). It was also a little hard for me to accept that my husband could out-ski me (he's a snowboarder!). I have to say... skiing badly (aka slowly with exaggerated turns on groomers only) is a lot more difficult and tiring than just relaxing and doing what comes naturally. But I'm not complaining... I'm just happy I made it through the day without feeling sick or taking a fall. Little man loved it. I could feel him wiggling the entire time (This is his third or fourth time on the slopes).

The bad news: we both got ugly goggle tans. Scotty, especially, was fried.

Even with skiing, we were able to get errands done in the evening and feel like we already had a head start on our weekend. We spent the rest of Friday night relaxing in a hammock at Lindsey Park (no it's not named after me... sadly). It was so nice to relax and talk and laugh. It was some badly-needed Scott and Lindsey time.

Scott went climbing Saturday morning with our friend Elliot (I was extremely jealous, but also realistic that I wouldn't be fitting a harness around this belly of mine), and then he spent the rest of Saturday studying and getting a ton of homework done while I worked. It was a fun day of work... but super busy and my feet were killing me. My feet have been killing me a lot lately. We ended the night with a delicious dinner at the Dodo. I love the Dodo. I could eat there every day.

was EASTER! I love Easter. LOVE Easter. We had set the alarm on Saturday night to wake up at 4:45am so we could attend the sunrise service at Snowbird. But when the alarm went off we mostly just laughed at ourselves and went back to bed. We went to church (YW had a brunch at one of the leader's apartment) and had a wonderful day to worship and learn more about the Savior's Atonement. We drove around Salt Lake taking pictures for a book we're working on. It was fun to just ride around together and swap ideas. We really haven't had a lot of time to just hang out in a while. We spent the rest of the afternoon at my parent's house celebrating, cooking, eating, Easter egg-hunting, and chasing around the little people. It was fun to see my cousin Vanessa, and it was fun to just relax and hang out, play pool, and watch Peter Rabbit with the boys.

Monday came and went. Tuesday I did a TON of baby errands with my mom and sister. it was so great to get so much done, and I went from feeling completely overwhelmed to feeling excited and slightly more prepared. It was nice to have a day off, fun to spend it with my mom, and satisfying to get so much done. I even was able to get a new pair of glasses (my mom needed some and it was buy one get one free)! Scott was so supportive and excited about everything. I feel so lucky to have him. Even with tests this week, he has managed to let me know that he's here for me and will help me with anything I need. I'm so proud of his hard work at school. Wednesday as a study night. I worked until about 8. Scott took a study break to have some dinner with me, and then he studied while I (unexpectedly) passed out on the couch in Scott's baggy hoodie and somehow ended up in my bed. See how great my husband is? He even plugged my phone into the charger.

We both had a really good night sleep except for my middle-of-the-night panic. I was aggravated from a dream I was having about work, and I woke up completely panicked that I couldn't get my ring off my fingers because my fingers were swollen from the heat. I ran to the bathroom to run my fingers under cold water, got myself a drink, and tried to relax and get back to sleep. As I did, I felt the baby in a totally different way! It was so great! The little guy was running laps in my belly. I grabbed Scott's hand and put it on my stomach so he could feel it. We've felt a kick here and there before, but this was a consistent string of kicks, one after another... about 12 total. It was FANTASTIC to feel him so strongly. It was the weirdest thing, almost like when your muscles twitch involuntarily while you're drifting off to sleep. I'm still not showing a ton.. definitely not 22 weeks' worth. But little man popped about two days ago, and I have a significant bump... which is so much fun! I am loving my pregnancy! It helps that I've been blessed with energy and no sickness.

Today Scott and I had dermatology appointments. The whole family is getting check-ups in light of my dad's recent skin cancer scare (in which we were greatly blessed). Scott sailed right through with his mole-less skin, but I had a few things to make note of. They removed the mole beneath my nose (which I affectionately refer to as my "booger mole") to send for testing. I also had an injection into lip to shrink a lump I got my summer in Moab. And then I'm due back 6 months from now to check on a few things after I have the baby. All in all, everything looks good. The only item of concern was the booger mole, and now it's gone! Ha!

And that gets me somewhat caught up! I have so many pictures to post (most are on Scott's phone) of our trip to Mexico, more skiing, Easter, and just hanging around with Scotty... but I'll have to get those up on the blog another time when I'm feeling more tolerant of technology.

Tomorrow's Friday, and then we get to spend Saturday celebrating the wedding of our wonderful friends Eric and Rachel! It'll be so fun to see friends, attend the temple, and take a day to slow down a bit.

Scott just walked in from taking his test! Goodbye blog!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The explanation for the sick day: Iron. On Monday my doctor put me on an iron supplement because my iron levels were a little lower that she'd like. So I took the first pill on Tuesday and spent Wednesday losing all the food I had eaten in a week. My pharmacist helped me figure out that the iron was the cause, and all the moms I work with sympathized, sharing their own bad walks around the block with iron. I've got a handle on it now. I'm taking half the pill, and I make sure to take it on a full stomach. No other problems so far. Back to my enjoyable and comfortable pregnancy that I am very grateful for.

Little man decided to make his debut to the world yesterday morning. I woke up, and there he was, popping out and making it clear that there was something going on inside this belly of mine. It's about time! I'm so excited to finally be showing. People are telling me all day about how lucky I am that I'm so tiny... but they don't realize that this is one time in my life when I DON'T WANT to be tiny. I'm over halfway through my pregnancy, and I want proof! Well, I got it yesterday. Yay!

I've been working on about ten projects at once lately, and I'm finally starting to check them off the list. We have de-junked our lives and finally cleaned out the baby's room (which, up until now, has been the "random pile" room). I've cleaned out all the storage closets, and cleared out as many drawers and shelves as I could to make room for the little man and all his "stuff." I have to say, it was an emotional experience to pack up some of my favorite books. I realize that its a bit ridiculous to have twelve Norton Anthologies occupy precious shelf space, but I felt a little guilty boxing them.

But it was worth it, and I'm finally feeling ready to get started on the baby's room. I'm not doing a ton. Everyone keeps asking what the theme for my nursery is. I tell them my theme is "Hand-me-downs." Right now all I can think about is where on earth I'm going to put all the stuff a baby comes with.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 o' clock Shadow

This is one of the best things I've ever seen. I want to get a baby one for our little guy to wear through the winter!

(make sure to click on the link... the website is just too funny)

By the way... this is my first sick pregnancy day so far. I'm over half-way through... so I'm feeling pretty lucky despite being housebound today. It gave me some time to go through the boxes of baby items Kirsten donated to our charity case. I love my older sister, and I'm feeling much less overwhelmed.

I went to the doctor on Monday and found out that our child was hyperactive and never stopped moving during our ultrasound... hyperactive child sounds about right considering the fact that I'm the child's mother. We had yet another positive report, and I hope it stays that way. I felt the baby move inside me for the first time yesterday (I finally sat still long enough to pay attention to it). Now I can't stop feeling it. It's kind of fun. Our kid is nuts.

Scott and I have been tired and busy lately, but we have had a few adventures over the last week or so. We were lucky enough to be able to go to the Lakers/Jazz game with our friends Beth and Elliot, which was SO much fun! We were in the 8th row, and John Stockton was sitting right behind us. I don't think we'll ever get that lucky again, and we're so grateful to my dad for the tickets. I felt triumphant that Scott cheered for the Jazz, not the Lakers.

We've had lots of late night milk shake and smoothie runs because for some reason my body always wants one of the two. Scott witnessed Toy Story 3 for the first time a couple nights ago, and it's been so fun to just relax together in the evenings. This last Saturday we did a massive apartment purge. We got rid of TONS of stuff and reorganized our storage system so we'll have room for all the doo-dads that come with a baby. Babies sure come with a lot of "stuff." I'm so glad we're having a boy! Girls come with even more "stuff" than boys.

Scott is doing really well in his MBA program. Despite his nervousness before every exam, he sails through them with fantastic grades. I'm so proud of him. He is such a hard worker. I feel so blessed these days and love the feeling of being closer to my Heavenly Father. When I focus on all the reasons I have to be grateful, I find more and more things I am grateful for, and I find that I'm an overall more pleasant person. Funny how that works, huh? Why do I keep needing reminders? Don't you wish you could just learn a lesson once, know it, live it, and never have to re-learn it again? I feel like I'm always climbing the same mountain, forgetting which route to take.

Friday, April 8, 2011

wee hours

I don't think I'm okay with the fact that I've sneaked (yes, it is sneaked, not snuck) out of bed at 4:30 in the morning ravenous for some fruit loops. This has happened before, and I almost never remember the experience in the morning. Usually Scott finds me on the couch and retrieves me, carrying me back up to bed. But I'm going to head back up right now all by myself. And when he tries to remind me that I did this in the morning, I won't remember. But then I'll look at the blog, and I'll see the proof.

Today was a tiring but rewarding day. And we are truly living for the weekend this week. Maybe that's why I can't sleep on a Thursday night... because the prospect of Friday is literally my horizon.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fortune Cookies (and the Ultrasound)

Since everyone seems to be having girls out there, it'll be fun to throw a boy into the mix! Details later... but I think that was the most important part to put out into the universe.

Tonight's fortune cookies:

Scott- A bold and dashing adventure is soon in your future.
Lindsey- Your household will soon be showered with unexpected blessings. Congratulations.

And then my mom gave me hers:
Eat your fruits and vegetables to strengthen your health.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thank You Google!

What is with April Fools anyway? I could have gotten on Facebook and announced to the world that I was having twins or something... but I just never got the point. It'd just be more work for me the next day to have to clear up the lie I just told.

I did want to send something funny in Scott's lunch today, but I was way to asleep and spacey this morning to think about it. I don't even know what I packed him. There's nothing in the fridge right now, so I can't figure out what kind of random stuff I shoved in there. I might have put a whole jar of pickles or something.

But this is the best part... the only really good part... of April Fools Day. Google. I love seeing what they come up with every year. And it's so subtle... they don't shove it in your face; they let you drift off their homepage and find it on your own. This year's joke was hilarious! Google Motion. I kind of wish it were real! I love the descriptions, the health warnings, and the Motion Guide. I love the awkward man modeling the motions in the video. Thanks for being the redeeming quality of a pretty weird holiday.