Saturday, April 30, 2011

Help with Girls Camp!!!!

Alright... I've been waiting and waiting for a genius theme for girls camp to just hit me over the side of the head. I'm planning girls camp for the stake this year, and it's a bigger job than I realized!! I'm doing fine on the organizing/logistics part... I just can't seem to find the right theme. I have a couple ideas in mind, but nothing that's sticking out to me. Anyone have any ideas? What are your girls camp themes this year? Or what are some fun ones you've been part of in the past? We have a pretty small group, and we'll be up at Heber Valley. Let me know if you have a stroke of genius. I'll take all the suggestions I can get!


  1. Put in the work to reap the reward

  2. I don't know what a cool slogan for this would be, but maybe you could choose several of the locations where new temples are being built (like Italy, Argentina, Portugal, etc.) and each group does something cultural/historical about that location (like, dress like Romans or gauchos). You could incorporate ideas about being united as a worldwide church or the blessings of the temple across the world. There could be some fun dress up along with a strong emphasis on the temple, and maybe they can learn something about the history of the church in those areas and the cultures there.

  3. one I remember from my YW days is "let your light shine." It was really easy to incorporate into everything!

    Also--it may be the opposite of some perceptions--but when I think of girls camp, I think of being still. It's rejuvenating--a place to connect with the earth, with God, and with yourself. Something like "in the still of the night" or or even "be still my soul." there are obviously tons of spiritual tie-ins (be still and know that I am God, peace be still, etc).I feel like our everyday lives (including YW's) are so hectic and loud. Girls camp should be a place to quiet down a bit, and get some answers you've been looking for. Of course, have a good time, too :)
