Monday, May 10, 2010

Ocho de Mayo and Killer Bunnies

Our Ocho de Mayo party was a huge success. Our Young Men and Young Women worked really hard to raise money for their Youth Conference, Rough Out Camp, and Scout camp outs. We far exceeded our goal! The party was a lot of fun, and it was a product of everyone's dedication. Those kids were there all day Saturday helping to set everything up. We had a live auction and a silent auction where the kids auctioned off their services: 5 hours of babysitting, 10 car washes. They also auctioned off baked goods, bracelets, hats, and other things they had made. The ward chipped in and donated some amazing items for the auction: paintings, a raft, a ride in a private airplane. Scott and I auctioned off a day of rock climbing for a family or group of friends. A really fun couple won the bid, and we're excited to take them climbing in June! I feel kind of bad... since they're paying us to hang out with them I feel like I need to be really REALLY cool (like I'm not already really REALLY cool, right?). We would have taken them climbing for free!

But it was all for a good cause, and it was one of the best get-togethers we've had at our ward with a huge turn-out. Scott and I are sure loving our ward. we've been there almost a year and a half now (since we've been married so a year and four months) and we love it! We've had the same callings - Young Mens Counselor/Scout Master and Young Women's Counselor/Camp Director since we moved in, and we've loved making so many friends in our ward.

Speaking of which, we just had some friends over for an intense and emotionally stirring game of Killer Bunnies. Don't Mock. We mocked. But oh, were we wrong! I can tell I am at high risk of becoming addicted! (That could have something to do with the fact that I won the game in the end having used no strategy and having been the recipient of great luck in the final second. I was the least schemy - the adjective we use to describe one who schemes - player at the table; I did not deserve to win!) We were introduced to the game by a couple in our ward who we've had a lot of fun getting to know, Trevor and Kate. Our long-time buddy Eric joined us as well. I should have gotten some pictures! But I was too deeply entrenched with all the Killer Bunnies to bother with erroneous thoughts.

Kirst and Nick. This is precisely the kind of game we would play with the two of you. There is a magic prune danish that can feed your bunny so it doesn't starve to death. There's a cyber bunny that plagues all of the other bunnies until death! There's an alien card that allows you to abduct a bunny and then have it returned safely at the end of the game. So many possibilities! You never know what to expect! But we'll have to play after the boys are asleep. I don't want them getting any bad ideas about cutting the head of their bunny Peeps at Easter.

Right now I'm catching up on the blog while Scotty plans my birthday surprise. I am such a lucky girl! I'm looking at his committed furrowed brow and thinking, "What kind of guy goes to so much trouble to make his wife's birthday absolutely perfect?" I have a million moments a day that make me stop and think about how lucky I am to have Scott. I'm having one of those moments. '


  1. we've played it!

    i also won the first time i ever played (with no strategy)!

    and i love the large danish.

  2. I should have been the WINNER!!!!!! Stupid Bunny! At Least Trevor did not win, so I guess that is all that matters.
