Sunday, September 5, 2010


Tonight I have been cleaning the kitchen while watching "Emma" on Scott's lap top. A wonderful and pleasant Sunday has evolved into the most pleasant evening. Even cleaning brought me joy!

It's funny how much I love reciting the script of "Emma" as if I am singing the lyrics to a song.

Right now I am watching him dance with Harriet in his heroic moment. I'm anticipating the next scene when we can finally confirm that he's in love with Emma. Ah, these Austen tails are timeless for me. Ooh... I just heard my least favorite line, "Whom are you going to dance with?" It hurts my ears. I'm not a stickler for the dangling preposition, but the speech is so proper throughout the whole of the movie. Why not stick with the protocol: "With whom are you going to dance." It sticks out like a sore thumb.

I have no clue where or how that expression originated. Do we tend to stick our sore thumbs straight out?

We've had such a blast of a weekend! A blast, meaning it was a blast! and also that it blasted right by us and now it's over! Scott has to work tomorrow when the rest of the country gets the day off. But we're hoping that Scott's laboring on Labor Day might be of short duration and that we could maybe squeeze in some mountain biking...


(I don't know who is the recipient of that plea.)

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