Thursday, August 12, 2010


I imagine that SOMETIME I'll have SOME TIME to MAKE TIME to TAKE TIME to do the things that are on my mind when I go to bed, wake up, and all the moments in between.

Each night I make a to do list for the next day. If I don't do this, I won't ever get to sleep because my mind spins and ticks with too much stored information and especially at the prospect of organizational projects I want to get my hands on. Last night Scotty and I were about to turn out the lights when I told him that so many tasks and projects were marathoning in my mind. Scotty told me it's because I make so many lists, and maybe he's right. But I think the lists are what alleviate the mind-spin because I can organize my mind-pile into separate list-compartments. I just have to get it out of my head onto paper. I'm such a paper person. I once had a journal that said, "How can I know what I think until I see what I say." I think that is dead-on the way I am. I can't even make sense of what I'm thinking until my hand has made the transfer to paper. I used to prefer to write with my eyes closed so I could really complete the transfer without my mind interrupting or distracting me.

We got back from Vancouver on Sunday, and life was waiting right here for us when we got here. And I'm so glad! Because I love our life!

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